Lindsay Haneline

Consumer Operations Director

Loyal & Empathetic

Lindsay has been working in the market research industry since 2013. She started at L&E Research as a recruiter. During her tenure she has worked in the office, project management, and now leads a team of project managers as Project Director. Previously, Lindsay was a foster care/adoption social worker. In that role she was also a certified instructor in NC to train and license foster parents. She graduated with a BA in Therapeutic Recreation from The University of North Carolina at Wilmington.

Lindsay is originally from Virginia Beach, VA, and moved to North Carolina in 2002. She has one daughter who is the light of her life. She enjoys spending time with family, friends, and visiting the beach as well as the lake.

Insights About Me

What do you like best about what you do?

I love working with people everyday!

What is your favorite L&E core value?

Do the right thing.

What are you passionate about?

Movies, travel, family, and happiness.

What is your guilty pleasure?

Mac and cheese

What book or movie title would best represent the story of your life?

Bridget Jones’s Diary.

If you had a superpower, what would it be?

To heal

What is the one thing most people don’t know about you?

I went to a magnet school for dance from 6th grade to 10th grade.