Business problems are best solved by engaging with the people that buy the products and services. L&E Research offers the right combination of talent and technology to connect with your customers to get the answers you need.

If you’re an experienced market researcher, connect with our Research Design Engineers (RDEs) to develop the best research design and methodology or get the latest tools and technologies to execute your research quickly, and cost effectively. But if you are new to research, or don’t know where to start, let us help.  Qualitative research is just a fancy expression for “having a conversation with your customers.”  We facilitate thousands of conversations with customers every year.

To understand your market, start with qualitative research. From clarifying the business problem, to engaging your customers, to helping you identify the best solution, we can help.


Whether you’re an experienced researcher who just needs help with one step, or are new to research and need guidance through the entire process, we’ve got solutions to meet your needs. Our expertise, process, tools and technology can help you make smarter business decisions for greater profitability and growth.

Collaborate with someone with expertise in your industry to get a second opinion

What are the most important questions to get the best information to make an informed decision, and what is the right place to start to solve the problem? Here are a few examples of typical business issues where qualitative research can help.

  • New product idea generation and development
  • Investigating current or potential product/service/brand positioning and marketing strategies
  • Strengths and weaknesses of your products/brands
  • Understanding the dynamics of your customer’s purchase decisions
  • Studying reactions to your advertising and public relations campaigns
  • Exploring market segments, such as demographic and customer groups
  • Studying emotions and attitudes
  • Assessing the usability of your website or other interactive products or services
  • Understanding perceptions of your company, brand, category and product
  • Determining consumer language as a preliminary step to developing a quantitative survey

We focus on research design and execution, and our partner consultants’ focus on being product, market and industry experts. Together, we provide a complete suite of solutions, without the costly expense and misguided belief that one company can provide all expertise under one roof. We’ve vetted our consultants by a host of standards to ensure you get the right consultant for the job:

  • Industry expertise: do they know your marketplace well?
  • Methodology: are they experienced conducting all types of research?
  • Are they highly rated by the clients they’ve worked with?

L&E Research has assembled consultants who have dedicated their careers to knowing your industry. In fact, many of them have held positions at Fortune 500 companies just like you. And if you need them to help execute the business plan after the research is over, they can help with that too.

We’ve done the hard part for you…finding the right consultant. It’s a complimentary service when you select us to be your research partner. Contact us to learn more about our partners and how they are leading their respective fields, and how we can help you start putting solutions together for your business problems and research needs.

Develop the best process to get the right information

As anyone who has ever visited an attorney or financial advisor knows, not having a clear understanding of what you want to learn can be a costly lesson. Talking to your customers is no different. There’s a limited amount of time and only so much information you can gather. You need to be as efficient as possible in what you ask and how you ask it.

That’s why every client begins the process at L&E with a complimentary meeting with one of our Research Design Engineers (RDEs) to understand the goals of your research and advise how best to design it. In addition to extensive hours of training on mastering the qualitative research process, they also invest considerable time each year learning the latest tools and technologies to help you most effectively get the answers you need.

Our RDEs are here, at no cost to you, to work with you to listen to your business issues, develop a research strategy from start to finish to best address those issues, and advise you on the best tools and techniques to achieve your goals quickly, and cost effectively. Contact us to learn more about our RDEs and how they can help you put the best research plan together to meet your needs.

Engage your customers and collect the information

Whether you are a seasoned market researcher who needs help collecting customer data, or a Product or Brand Manager new to the research process, asking the right questions with the right people is critical to success. Just as great meals are made by highly trained chefs using high quality ingredients, having great conversations with your customers (otherwise known as qualitative research) is a combination of perfect participants, led by seasoned research professionals. This is how L&E Research earned its excellent reputation since it opened in 1984.

Once you have consulted at no cost with one of our Research Design Engineers (RDEs) to develop the right research strategy, L&E Research then brings in the most highly educated, highly trained team in the industry to manage the data collection process and speak to your customers. Our training programs were custom built for us, by outside experts, to deliver:

  • A Project Manager (PM) that receives over 40 hours of annual continuing education;
  • The most highly educated Recruiting team in the industry in both secondary education and ongoing training;
  • A support team with extensive expertise in Information Technology, qualitative research software solutions, and onsite support quality.

We contract with training companies, Qualitative Research Consultants (QRCs) and programs led by our RDEs to create the best training program in the industry, ensuring our PM team is the most knowledgeable in the industry.

After working with you to design the best research design possible, our RDEs bring in one of our Project Managers (PMs) to execute the plan. Aided by our proprietary technology platform, Facility Manager Plus (FMP), the first project management and panel management technology built specifically for qualitative research, our PMs oversee the engagement of finding the perfect consumers for your needs. And if there are any tools or technologies being used to execute your research, your PM involves our support teams and oversees our technology partners to ensure a seamless experience.

In addition to our highly trained RDE and PM team, and our proprietary FMP technology, L&E Research employs the most sophisticated recruitment process to ensure your study participants are the perfect “consultants” for your project. Learn more about our Five Step Process and why it’s the most advanced in the qualitative research industry; or Contact Us to learn more about our services to help you collect the information you need to make better business decisions.

Collaborate with industry experts to identifying your true business problem

After we have helped our clients develop and execute their research to better understand their customer’s wants and needs, clients have the insight they need to make better decisions and feel good about their business future. Project designed, project executed, analysis complete…let’s move on to the business action we need to execute in order to improve our margins.

But sometimes after the research, the question is “now what?” We work with the best consultants in the field on a daily basis, and have asked them to partner with us to offer their services to our clients. And if you need them to help execute the business plan after the research is over, they can help with that too.

Tools and technologies

Market research is changing rapidly. As with so many industries, technology is altering the landscape of how we work. It’s no different in the insights business. Automation and artificial intelligence are combining to create a powerful force where speaking to your customer can happen better and faster.

The challenge is merging the technology with the services that are market research. L&E Research’s approach is same as with our consultant network. If we can’t deliver the best technology solution, we partner with the leading firms in their technology space and join their solutions with our technology platforms to create a marketplace of solutions, a one-stop-shopping resource. Just like our consultant network, there’s no additional cost to you. Our rates are negotiated with our partners to ensure you get the best solution at the best rate.

We built the best technology platforms for project management, recruiting and video streaming, and we partnered with the best companies for other research solutions. The result? The best solutions for your business needs, all in one place. Contact us to learn more about our technology, our partners, and how we can start putting solutions together for you.



L&E Research is one of the few qualitative research companies with dedicated software developers building technology platforms to improve the research experience. Our platforms help both the internal management of the work, and the external experience that clients witness, to drive better research and decision making.

Our internal technologies include:

Client Portal
Web Streaming
Facility Manager Plus (FMP)

Client Portal, the first of its kind in our industry, provides clients a host of solutions:

  • 24/7 project monitoring: see the progress of your study, monitor the responses of your participants and download grids on demand to edit data as you see fit.
  • Client chat: communicate with your Project Manager directly, creating a chain of custody to ensure clear, concise communication.
  • Data storage: store all of your project content in one place. Upload files to support your project, and share access with your colleagues, ensuring everything with your work is in one safe, secure place.

You will also find a host of relevant data within your Client Portal including maps to our offices, points of interest and hotel accommodations for our locations and more. Our Client Portal was made to support you and allow you to gain access to your project, anytime you choose. And we’re constantly improving it and adding features, to better support your needs!

Web Streaming, L&E Research’s own conference room streaming platform, provides these features, all for one reasonable fee:

  • Streaming in HD
  • Chat with colleagues during live research
  • Record and store your research for later viewing, or allow colleagues to view
  • Create markers of significant moments, allowing others to “get to the good stuff”
  • Create clips from the recording: mark it, clip it, and download it in an MP4 format for easy upload and share

Facility Manager Plus (FMP), our project management and recruiting platform, is the first of its kind, built specifically for the qualitative research industry, with the most advanced features in the industry. With improved recruiting, central communication system and a project management dashboard, FMP is the technology behind the talent that enables L&E Research to be the leader in the qualitative research arena. We’ve invested over seven figures building the FMP platform to improve the identification and tracking of the right people for your research, ensuring we talk to the right people, every time. To learn more about FMP, check out our 5 Step Process that guarantees you get the right research to answer your business questions… every time.


“Don’t reinvent the wheel” is a long-standing expression meant to remind us that building a new version of a perfectly good existing one doesn’t make a lot of sense. We agree, and that’s why we focus on partnering with the best technologies and surrounding them with our talented team to know how and when to best use them. Our Research Design Engineers (RDEs) review and test the latest technology to find the best solutions for your research needs. Then we integrate these technologies with our Client Portal for a seamless integration of talent and technology.

Our technology partners include:

Online Qualitative Research
Large Panel Aggregator
HD 360° Focus Groups With Integrated Video Curation Tools
Automated Neuromarketing
End-to-End Video Management
The Virtual Aisle
Real Time Research Platform
Online Insights & Community Platform
Real Time Response Analysis
AI Assisted Decision Making
Online Qualitative Research

Our technology partner, Aha!, offers online qualitative platforms that offer respondents in-the-moment access through mobile and social media. Learn more by watching the video to the left.

Large Panel Aggregator

Our technology partner, AYTM, offers a quantitative market research survey platform with built-in panel.

HD 360° Focus Groups With Integrated
Video Curation Tools

Our technology partner, CCam focus, is an advanced video streaming and recording solution utilizing a 360° video camera with live streaming and omnidirectional microphones that will capture every detail of your research sessions and provide the recordings to your research team within minutes.

Automated Neuromarketing

Our technology partner, CoolTool, offers a behavorial insights platform that discovers and validates what consumers see, think, and feel beyond their conscious control.

End-To-End Video Management

Our technology partner, Curator Video, is an end-to-end video management software that allows you to capture, edit, and deliver a project all in one platform. With the many features of Curator your team can do what used to take hours in just minutes.


Our technology partner, Wordibly, offers an online transcription portal and keyword search so you can identify themes for reporting.

The Virtual Aisle

Our technology partner, Informed Decisions Group (IDG), offers the virtual wall, a portable system that you can take almost anywhere in the world to create an in-store experience. Learn more by watching the video to the left.

Real Time Research Platform

Our technology partner, itracks Realtime, offers an all-in-one secure solution to hold video and text focus groups, and video IDIs. Built specifically for research, it features an intuitive interface, single stream audio and video, and the world’s only video-enabled true virtual backroom for full observer immersion and real insight.

Our technology partner, itracks Board, offers online bulletin board focus groups and elevates them to another level with rich features and in-depth research capabilities. The fully-integrated mobile app allows users to fully participate via a smartphone or tablet in addition to online participation.

Online Insights & Community Platform

Our technology partner, Recollective, offers a research tool for developing robust insights communities and conducting online research studies of any duration and size.

Real Time Response Analysis

Our technology partner, Remesh, offers real time customer insights that helps you have live conversations with your customers at scale, using AI to analyze and organize the audience’s responses in real-time.

AI Assisted Decision Making

Our technology partner, Yogi, offers an AI-powered reviews analysis platform that helps you aggregate reviews & ratings across a multitude of sources and turn them into actionable insights.



At L&E Research, we have put considerable measures into place to ensure a successful conversation with your customers, every time. We know that getting the right information is critical to solving your business problem, and therefore your success.
We call it our Five Step Process, and it involves investments in both talent and technology to deliver the highest quality standards. It’s why 9 out of 10 projects result in clients highly recommending us to their friends and colleagues and an overall satisfaction score of 9.7 on a 10-point scale.

Client Interview
Project Setup
Connect With Your Customers
Quality Control
Next Steps
Step 1: Client Interview

Every project begins with an interview with a Research Design Engineer (RDE) to understand your objectives and ensure the correct qualitative research path is chosen for your unique business problem. From methodology, to technologies, to identifying the right people to answer your business questions, our RDEs have hundreds of hours of training and thousands of hours of research experience all towards one goal - ensuring your project is designed for success. L&E Research is unique in offering this level of talent, complimentary to every client, to ensure you get the right data, every project.

Step 2: Project Setup

Next, our RDEs bring in one of our Project Managers (PMs) to oversee the execution of your project, including the selection of your support team. Like our RDEs, our Project Managers have considerable training in market research, project management and communication. In fact, they must complete over 40 hours of training each year towards learning the industry, how to best execute your project, and advanced communication skills. Your PM is your project’s quarterback, keeping everyone on the same page and focused on one goal - successful project execution.

Step 3: Connect with Your Customers

L&E Research employs a combination of talent and technology to ensure you get the best data from your customers. With a successful game plan (built by you and our RDEs) and the right leader (our Project Manager), we use the power of our proprietary technology, Facility Manager Plus (FMP), along with the most highly- trained qualitative research recruiting team in the world, to get you quality data from the perfect research participants.

FMP’s power is in the automation of finding the right people for your study. As a learning technology that grows as we engage our community every day, our panel of over one million people (and growing six figures annually) who have all opted in, is constantly being assessed by FMP. This allows us to find you the perfect candidates for your research, quickly and accurately, while also ensuring we identify people that aren’t suitable for your research needs. With FMP, L&E Research is unique in offering a secure communications platform with as many or as few people at any given time as we need in order to find the perfect participant. This powerful combination of rapid access and secure communications is unmatched by anyone in our industry.

And we don’t just limit ourselves to our panel; we house the talent to go “off the grid” and find your customers, wherever they may be. Digital marketing experts, dedicated staff to making connections within our communities, and the most educated and trained recruiting team in the country, we tap into all of these talents to connect you to your customers.

Step 4: Quality Control

Our FMP technology and our talented team that’s out there finding the perfect research participants are just the first steps to connecting with your customers. Our Project Managers then utilize our FMP technology to monitor and ensure recruiting accuracy. They are there to tell you “the story of your recruit.” When finding the perfect participants isn’t going perfectly, they are there to guide you and recommend courses of action. And once the right recruits are found, they are there to ensure the collection of data goes just as smoothly. Human beings are by nature unpredictable… it’s why developing new product strategies or the perfect marketing campaigns are so difficult. But our PMs are experienced with consumer behavior, and are ready to present a course of action, supported by their dozens of fellow PMs and leadership group all focused on one thing - successful project execution. With FMP communication systems, L&E takes numerous steps to ensure each project is successfully executed - guaranteed.

Step 5: Next Steps

When the data is collected and ready for analysis, our RDEs determine what further assistance is needed. Good to go and ready to do your own analysis to solve your business problem? Sounds good, and we stand ready to help! But if you want a second opinion or require the assistance of outside consultants, we’re there to offer the best consultants recommendations, having vetted hundreds of them to build a database of talent that’s right for any client.

And when your project is ready to wrap up, our support teams are experienced working with procurement and financial departments of the largest firms, making engaging us easy and hassle free. No need to worry about your procurement or finance departments, we’re here to help take care of all of that. And just to be sure all is well and you’re totally satisfied with our work, we contact every client to follow up with one simple question, “Would you highly recommend us to friend or colleague? And if not, what can we start doing/stop doing/do differently to have earned that high praise?”

Ready to put L&E to work for you? Or have more questions regarding how L&E is the best company to help you solve your business problems? Contact us today to learn more about our proven processes, and how we can help you start putting solutions together for your business needs.