Webinar | 6 Steps to Perfect Qual- Steps 4 & 5: Qualitative Analysis & Insights Communication

Insight Communication, Market Research, Qualitative Research, Webinar


6 Steps to Perfect Qual – Free L&E Webinar Series (available via on-demand)

On June 6, 2018, L&E hosted our third webinar in our “Six Steps to Perfect Qual” webinar series for 2018 with Joan M. Lewis, Shaun Stripling and Walt Barron as our panelists. The focus was on steps 4 & 5: qualitative analysis and insights communications.

  • Guest Speakers: 
    • Joan M. Lewis, Former P&G Insights Director & Independent Advisor and Consultant 
    • Shaun Stripling, SVP, Chief Strategy Officer and Global Director of Frank About Women at Mullen
    • Walt Barron, Chief Strategy Officer, McKinney

Putting together qualitative analysis and communicating qualitative insight can seem a daunting process, so we wanted to offer you the latest techniques and best practices for telling strong stories and engaging clients with impactful deliverables.

Our third webinar will guide you through the best methods to ask questions and get actionable next steps to lead your clients to true insight. We will discuss the impact of powerful communications through a combination of the latest technology and practical tips for storytelling and creating actionable deliverables.

In this webinar you’ll learn how to:

  • Build impactful communications through storytelling (with practical advice on finding the golden thread in the information)
  • Different ways of communicating insight using technology