Understanding Consumer Psychology for Better Insights: Workshop Video

L&E recently hosted the workshop “Seeing the Forest for the Trees: Understanding Consumer Psychology for Better Insights” led by Jason Rogers. Jason is Product Expert and Lead Trainer for Noldus, the leading expert in observational behavior in both laboratory and natural settings.

Consumer Psychology – or understanding how and why consumers behave the way they do – is the foundation of Marketing Research. In the workshop, Jason discussed the evolution of Consumer Psychology and how an integrated understanding of consumer thinking, feeling, and behaving can improve the insights you get from Marketing Research.

The video of the workshop is now available!

By reviewing the big picture of consumer behavior, you will be able to:

  • Refocus the way you frame the research problems you are working on
  • Improve the way you structure questions in qualitative and quantitative research
  • Take into account how the brain works to make decisions to improve research design

Come see the Forest! Watch the video of the workshop today!

About Jason Rogers

Jason received his doctorate in Psychology from the University of Utah. After a fellowship at MUSC in Charleston, SC, Jason joined Noldus in 2008. Jason also spent time with Nielsen Neurofocus and Brandtrust before returning to Noldus in 2013 as Product Expert and Lead Trainer.

Noldus develops innovative software and hardware solutions and services for the measurement and analysis of behavior. Founded by Lucas Noldus in 1989, Noldus has emergerd as the leading expert in observational behavior in both laboratory and natural settings.
