More time to focus on the good (participants)

Looking for respondents who wear glasses three times a week, eat steak tartare once a month, and go for just one run a year (every January)?

In our last blog, we discussed the power in using recruitment software to fend off and quarantine problem participants, such as those troublesome ‘professionals’. The latest technology and quality recruitment methods take care of these problem participants for us – allowing us to move on and focus on the good.

With technology in defense mode, recruiting companies can switch their focus to offense -to proactively search for the best participants – those ideal candidates most suited for any qualitative research project, no matter how targeted.

So, how do you know if a participant is the right participant? Of course, you want to attract only the people that are in research for the right reasons. Researchers want the people who are excited to help and want to share their opinions about the products and services they are passionate about. They want to help a brand meet their needs.

But once again, recruitment technology and leading software platforms are here to support an easy and high-quality recruitment process. The technology secures the highest quality participants by tracking behavior, while also providing a great way to engage with participants prior to the in-person research taking place.

So how does a research company locate these quality recruits?

The technology makes it easy to search for top recruits. It uses specific keywords and product mentions to perform a thorough search, in order to continue building the database. The software finds and adds more than 100 new participants each day. The search criteria and strategy in itself is rigorous, and it includes filtering tools from basic demographics to many other data points (over a hundred to be exact). For example, basic data points would include age, ethnicity and marital status. More specific criteria could be home type (such as owning a town home), food restrictions (gluten free) and technology (owning a Google Home). This allows researchers to zero in on precise recruits. So basically, you can afford to be picky.

In order to keep things accurate, the management tools also provide respondents with 24/7 access to their profiles for continual updates. The participants are also constantly tracked. For example, tracking participation and behavior in previous studies can eliminate respondents based on participation requirements. Behavior tracking also allows panel companies to build relationships and tap into new consumer segments. Reward programs make a big difference, and they can really work in terms of referrals. The software runs reward programs that help to build panel through the company’s funded initiatives and people who are dedicated to panel growth and panel integrity.

So, you might be wondering if the technology can be used to help you find an entrepreneur in Arthur, Nebraska (population 119)? The answer is yes.

Looking for more best practices on recruitment? Download our latest white paper on best practices in qualitative research recruitment here (no form to fill out).

The myth of cheaters and repeaters – An insider’s look into qualitative research participants

If you think professional respondents and problem participants are disrupting the quality of your insight, then you’ve fallen for the tired propaganda of those on a mission to steer clients away from qualitative research.

That’s right, it’s a myth.

Of course, professional participants do exist, and a lot of people only want to help for the sake of the incentive. But the thing is, they don’t actually prove a problem for qualitative researchers. It’s not because these people don’t try to cause a problem, but it’s because as an industry we have barricades in place to fend them off completely. And if they slip through, we have the knowhow to quarantine them before they can affect the insight. Therefore, although cheaters and repeaters do exist, they just don’t make it in the world of qual – and certainly not in our panels.

The first thing to say is that it’s not proprietary screening processes, cold calling or digital marketing alone that prevents these naughty participants from passing through. It’s technology that does the trick.

It’s all about the pre-emptive maneuvers. Having the right technology in place to support the recruitment process is standard for the respected qualitative panel companies. Sophisticated database management systems diligently track behavior, and therefore they can denote the problem participants while making them unaware of their disqualification.

Of course, there are the lower quality panel companies among us who simply don’t invest in the proper panel development. They’re the companies who are busy trying to convince clients of their ‘secret sauce’, which is said to defend against professional participants. But that sauce just doesn’t exist. It takes the right technology, management systems, and human engagement to immediately disqualify the people who are just in it for the money.

The software used by the well-respected recruitment companies tracks participation behavior on an ongoing basis, and quickly identifies any issues from the screener questions at the very start. This allows us to rule out or eliminate the problem participants before they can influence the insight. In fact, the technology can track over a hundred different data points for each respondent to ensure the participants are of the highest quality. With these intricate and all-encompassing searches, the system is able to find 120-130 new participants every day to join our already large panel of extremely engaged people, which means we can avoid recycling the same participants over and over again. This active search strategy offers plenty of first-timers who are prioritized for lists, which eliminates professionals. But of course, the search and screening processes run by the software is always followed by real human interaction – a final opportunity to verify the quality of the participant. At L&E, we have someone on staff whose full-time job is dedicated to building the quality of our database, so problem participants don’t even have a chance.

So, it’s not a ‘secret sauce’, but a rigorous process of selection and elimination, powered by state-of-the-art database software, supported by the latest technology, and backed with real human engagement.

Plus, it’s that same technology that supports our effort in finding the very best respondents for each individual qualitative project. While fighting off the naughty guys, the software provides a great way to engage with the good guys, which helps to build relationships and encourage participation. Stay tuned for more on how technology helps us engage with only the best participants in our next blog.

And in the meantime, you can download our latest white paper on best practices in qualitative research recruitment here (no form to fill out).

The world’s largest library – Putting perspective into research design

The research design stage of a qualitative project often revolves around the research question. In fact, the key is to come up with a research design that will guarantee an answer to that question. The problem is that in doing so, we often forget to take in the bigger picture because our focus is too narrow.

Over time we often become ingrained in our approaches and forget the wealth of information out there, or even right under our noses. As students we are adept at finding (often free) resources, but often as we progress in our careers we forget those useful sites and sources.

But many of the answers we seek as researchers are already there – they are just hidden within existing research readily available from the world’s largest library (the web). Desk research puts your project into a broader context in order to guide the research design, and although it may seem boring, mundane and tedious, it’s an important, practical, and very valuable tool for researchers. And best of all? It’s free and readily available.

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel

Every year, there are millions of studies completed and they often reoccur to keep the research up to date. It might take a little bit of time to sort through the information, and you might need to rework some of it to get the answer you’re looking for, but if you spend the time doing the desk research, you could be saving a lot of time and money for both yourself and your client by avoiding repeat questions for information that is already out there. Likewise, if you don’t examine previous research, how will you know if you’re actually going to find something new for your client?

Mix in some big data

Doing some desk research can offer valuable information for next to nothing. At L&E, we’re all about the word of qual, but we also know that the most respected research projects cross borders from qual into quant using a mixed methodology approach. For small qualitative consultants this can be difficult due to strict project budgets. But luckily, the internet is the largest, free source of statistics and data relevant to any industry, any subject, and any project.

Find the bigger picture

Existing research can add value to qualitative research results by putting the findings into a broader context. Whether it’s comparing your results across different industries, or even competitors, it’s worth doing the background work.

Here are some useful resources for desk research.

And here are some tips for your search.

  • Consider word choice. Could a different word, or arrangement of words, help refine your results?
  • Consider different topics. Could searching for similar topics help find more information relating to your research question?
  • Consider the source. As a researcher, question how reliable/accurate/relevant the findings are.

There are many reasons to take advantage of existing data. A little bit of extra time spent on desk research in the design stage will save valuable time later on, allowing greater time to be spent on analysis of data. If you’d like to know more about the design stage, including the client problem, the research question, choosing the right methodology, tips for moderators, and new technology to support the design, check out our white paper on Qualitative Research Design here.

6 Steps to Perfect Qual Series: Step 2 – Qualitative Research Recruitment | New White Paper from L&E

6 Steps to Perfect Qual

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Step 2: Qualitative research recruiting

How do you get the best insight? You recruit the best possible participants.

This L&E trust guide shares the power behind quality recruits with a series of best practice steps.

Turn these qualitative recruitment best practices into actionable plans to lead your clients to true insight.

This paper includes:

  • Critical steps and valuable tips in getting the right participants
  • Leading techniques taking advantage of new (and old) resources
  • Leveraging the best technology in recruitment software
  • Support for finding those rare, hard to reach people for quality insight

To continue reading, download our latest white paper by clicking here (no form to fill out).

Crossing borders? How to set your research subjects at ease

With qualitative research projects now matching the scale of quant, technology has become key for crossing borders, and putting the researcher (and the stakeholders) in the room with the participants.

With video and online communities (which are often mobile and at the consumer’s fingertips), it’s easy to share and discuss concepts and ideas remotely. These methods allow you to achieve the same level of understanding as from a face to face group, from anywhere in the world. The tools also offer a clear look into participants’ behavior, emotions, beliefs, preferences, and perceptions. But, technology can’t do all the work.

How can a moderator be sure to get the same connection and generate the same atmosphere in a remote setting as with a face-to-face? The moderator must work alongside the technology to overcome the barriers presented in remote qualitative research, as Ray Fischer from online qual platform Aha! says:

“One of the most important factors for remote or online study success is the human connection between the moderator and the respondent, despite not being “live” face-to-face. This connection can be easily achieved by a brief moderator video introduction that tells the respondent some personal details about the researcher, what the study is about, and what the expectations are for the participant. On the flipside it makes sense to also have the respondent do a little video intro recording from their smartphone or webcam, sharing a little about themselves and perhaps begin to touch on the product category, as well.”
– Ray Fischer at Aha!

The flexibility of remote research allows the moderator to connect with participants from anywhere in the world, at any time, with a much quicker set up compared to a face-to-face. It allows for a larger sample, which can be much more diverse. It’s also often easier. The interview or focus group can take place within the participant’s normal environment, using the software they use on a daily basis (or even while they’re out and about). And of course, remote research is far less time consuming and less costly.

Here are some tips for a successful remote qualitative research project.

  • Check the tech (but mostly the participants). Technology has advanced so much that it can be completely trusted to serve its purpose in a research environment. However, just because the moderator is familiar with the devices used, doesn’t mean the participants will be. Take the time to brief the participants to make sure they are comfortable with the technology so to avoid interference within the research or the results.
  • Never skip the introduction. In this case, the intro is more important than ever. In any case, it’s still one of the most critical moments of a focus group. It’s the opportunity for the moderator to build rapport with the group while also establishing authority. Introductions make a virtual environment more personable, and create comfort within the group. This is most important when the moderator cannot be seen in person.
  • Offer continual guidance. The moderator should guide the participants step by step throughout the entire process. For example, participants should be notified when recording will start, and they should be instructed on equipment used throughout the process (e.g. ‘Please look directly into the camera at all times’). Be very clear and upfront about expectations and the tasks ahead.
  • Create a comfortable environment. One of the best ways to get the participant talking is to ask them questions about themselves. This is even more important in a less personal environment, such as through a camera. Asking about their interests will get them to open up more throughout the remainder of the study. Then, keep them talking by encouraging storytelling techniques throughout the conversation, such as “Tell me about a time when…”.
  • Embrace the silence. Even a short pause might seem long when the participant is remote. Keep in mind that a pause is good, as it allows consumers to think and reflect.

Running a qualitative research project from a remote location has become the norm, but it requires the right preparation to guarantee project success. So, if you’re thinking about running a remote project, make sure to read our white paper on Emerging Methods in Qualitative Research Technology, as well as our Qualitative Research Design paper.

Renee’s Takeaways – Get the scoop on L&E’s Qual Research Design Webinar!

6 Steps to Perfect Qual Webinar Series Summary

Step 1 – Qualitative Research Design Webinar – Webinar held on January 17, 2018

What a great kick-off to the year with the first webinar in our series, Qualitative Research Design!  We were fortunate enough to spend some time chatting with three very knowledgeable and engaging panelists – Tia Maurer, Group Scientist, Procter & Gamble, David Harris, Author of The Complete Guide to Writing Questionnaires: How to Get Better Information for Better Decisions, and Jim White, Founding Partner, Reality Check.

In this webinar, we focused on Q&A that might help shed some light on common issues or questions that can arise during the process of designing research.

Here’s what our panelists had to say!

  1. The first point we touched on was the process of considering if market research is a necessary step to solving a business problem or question. How do you do that?
  • Can the question be answered with existing data or knowledge? Don’t re-invent the wheel, use it!
  • Research planning is critical! Write out a paragraph or two that tells what the tension/problem is, what is the current state of affairs, what do we already know, etc. By doing this, it can help you in defining the decisions that the research will support.
  • Ask your client right out of the gate, “what decisions are you trying to make, and what actions do you plan to take once you have the information?”
  1. Let’s say a problem/issue has been identified, and research IS the next step. What methods can we use to get the “why,” or the problem that is driving the research?
  • Get it down on paper! Ask questions such as “why are we thinking about doing research, what do we already know, what is the research question, and finally, what does success look like for us?”  Write out the questions, and discuss them as a team.  Biographer David McCullough is quoted as saying “writing is thinking.”

3. Once a problem/issue has been identified, how do we decide which methodologies are going to be most useful in helping  us get to the answers?

  • Use tried and true methods that you have had success with in the past
  • Ask for suggestions from both internal and external resources, such as suppliers. How might they tackle the research?
  • Find out what your client is comfortable with, and how they expect the findings/information to be presented to them.
  1. As many of us know, we have a plethora of new technologies available to us today to help with conducting MR. Which is the most valuable?
  • Online qual!  You can cast a much wider net in terms of reaching people, having them upload videos and pictures.  We can get deeper insights because people are doing it from the comfort of their own homes.
  1. One last piece we touched on, was the shift toward more behavioral research versus attitudinal research. Why do we think it’s going in this direction?
  • The reason is simple, what people say, and what people do don’t always match up.
  • A person’s recall is much better when they’re in the environment where they normally do a task, while they are actually doing it.
  • When we take this approach, we’re talking to people about what really matters to them, and understanding their relationship with a brand.

One last thought that all of our panelists agreed on is to always remember the fundamentals of research.  The newest and best technologies are not always the best approach to get to the information you need!

We hope you found this summary to be helpful! To listen to this webinar in its entirety, or to download a free, transcribed version, click here. 

Be on the look-out!  For your convenience, I’ll be summarizing all of L&E’s upcoming webinars, as well as regularly sharing information about relevant qualitative research topics, trends, and technologies.

Until next time!

Your Research Design Engineer at L&E,

Renee Wyckoff

6 Steps to Perfect Qual Series: Step 1 – Qualitative Research Design | New White Paper from L&E

6 Steps to Perfect Qual

White Paper Download

Step 1: Qualitative research design

With an optimized research design, a small consultancy can really punch above its weight.

This first official L&E trust guide shares the path to an optimized research design to start you out on your qualitative journey.

This paper will guide you through qualitative research design best practices to guarantee actionable insight for your client’s needs.

  • How to define the client problem and structure the “big question”
  • The right methodology for the right solution
  • How to create moderator guidelines and define sample sizes
  • Choosing a facility location
  • Technology that is changing the nature of qualitative research
  • The expertise behind Research Design Engineers

To continue reading, download our latest white paper by clicking here (no form to fill out).

Webinar Recording | 6 Steps to Perfect Qual- Step 1: Qualitative Research Design

6 Steps to Perfect Qual – Free L&E Webinar Series

On January 17, 2018, L&E hosted our first webinar in our “Six Steps to Perfect Qual” webinar series for 2018 with Tia Maurer, David F. Harris and Jim White as our panelists. The first step in our series focused on qualitative research design and its importance to great qualitative research.

Miss out on this webinar? Not to fear, you can view the webinar recording here.

To continue reading, download our latest white paper by clicking here (no form to fill out).

L&E Research Announces New Technology Partnerships

Raleigh, NC – August 31, 2017 – L&E Research, the preferred choice for recruiting and facilities in the qualitative market research industry, is pleased to announce its new partnerships with leading technology companies Aha!, IDG (Informed Decisions Group), Isobar and LivingLens. 

“The latest Corporate Researcher Report from Quirk’s suggests there is a considerable gap between the qualitative methodologies clients are curious about and what they’re actually using.  Newer methodologies like virtual reality, biometrics (including neuromarketing), and online qualitative software still face questions from corporate researchers. That gap is continuing to close and companies are looking to find new ways to get answers to their questions better, faster and whenever possible, at a lower cost,” said Brett Watkins, President of L&E Research. “We are excited about these new offerings we can provide to our clients in the methodologies of virtual reality, video analytics, online emotional measurement tools, in-the-moment online tools and L&E’s own 360° streaming.”

“Aha!, IDG, Isobar and LivingLens are the most forward-thinking leaders in qualitative technology, and we’re proud to partner with them to offer our clients a wide array of choices to solve any qualitative research challenge. L&E’s unique team of Research Design Engineers (RDEs) who are trained in the latest qualitative methodologies and the latest technologies used to execute them, help guide clients toward finding the right answers to solve their business problems. With L&E’s combination of talent and technology, we’re a one-stop shop for clients and their qualitative research needs.”

About L&E Research

L&E Research specializes in qualitative research recruitment and provides additional qualitative market research solutions including focus group facilities, online qualitative technologies and more. L&E is headquartered in Raleigh, NC and has been named to the Inc. 5000 list of fastest growing private companies in the U.S. multiple times. In addition to a virtual presence nationwide, L&E has physical office locations in 7 markets, including Cincinnati, OH; Columbus, OH; Charlotte, NC; Minneapolis, MN; Raleigh, NC; St. Louis, MO and Tampa, FL.


Michelle Landmesser
Vice President of Sales
L&E Research


AI and Automation

AI and Automation – More Time for the Good Stuff.

AI and Automation.  These are terms that were first associated with big data, then with structured data, and now with small unstructured data (read “qualitative”).  The capabilities of AI and automation are filtering into most aspects of the qualitative process.  And the result is qualitative research that is often cheaper, faster, and – recognizing that this word is subjective – better.  But more importantly, it opens the analyst’s time for the good stuff – solving the client problem.

Here are a few ways our qualitative life is being changed by automation and AI.

  • Sampling – sample providers are using API’s to integrate with qualitative platforms to enable fast, efficient, and cheap access to consumers for a variety of qualitative approaches: communities, IDI’s, online groups and emerging hybrid approaches.
  • Data collection – Online platforms for qualitative and hybrid approaches  allow for quick turn qualitative research unimaginable a few years ago. Need to conduct 12 groups globally in a day? Done.  Need to test concepts with 1000 people and get qualitative feedback in 24 hours? Done.  Need to conduct “micro-communities” for a week on new positioning? Done.
  • Moderation – the emergence of talent marketplaces now gives buyers the ability to become research DJ’s; to mix the right individuals with the right skillsets globally with the right technology to meet the business need in real time and all online. Qualitative research is entering the “Democratization Age”, where technology drives the human elements as much as it does the data collection process.
  • Analysis – advances in AI, text analytics and data visualization tools now allow for the fast (within seconds, literally) categorization, clustering, thematic discovery, emotional analysis and even voice or facial analysis of responses as part of the tool kit. This makes the analysis of transcription, video, image and voice data as easy as running basic descriptive statistics in quantitative data.

It’s important to note that the effectiveness of all these tools are dependent on the right people, talking about the right things, in the right way.  Recruiting, study structure, and moderation are still critical elements.  AI and automation are still only as good as the thoughtful humans directing it. The advancement in these tools are drastically reducing the human time and effort it takes to gather and analyze qualitative information while improving the types of information and volume of information that can be analyzed.

This leaves the analyst with more information to work with and more time to focus on the implications of the insights to address the business issue.  Isn’t that what we really need – more time for the good stuff?