Better Together: Using Qualitative Research for Better Quantitative Research

Recently, L&E Research hosted a webinar with guest speaker David F. Harris, Founder of Insight & Measurement. David is the author of, The Complete Guide to Writing Questionnaires: How to Get Better Information for Better Decisions.

(Click here to view the recording of David’s Webinar.)

David wrote his book to address the following concerns about market research and questionnaires:

  • Research is rarely organized to support decision making
  • Often, no qualitative research is conducted prior to questionnaire development
  • Questions are often unclear, biased, or not answerable by the respondent
  • Questionnaire pretesting is not practiced widely enough

Questionnaire writing is serious business and is as much art as science. Most researchers have struggled with questionnaire design, recognizing that understanding how consumers think about a topic, as well as science, logic, reasoning and sound research practice, are all necessary to producing a good questionnaire.

Qualitative research is often skipped in the questionnaire development process, to the detriment of question quality. David recommends a research framework that includes two points of qualitative research to inform and improve questionnaire development:

Before You Plan the Questionnaire

First, qualitative research should be conducted before the questionnaire planning begins. Conducting a focus group or several in-depth interviews will let you hear the words and phrases the consumer uses in discussing the product or the purchase experience, understand the logical sequence of topics for the consumer, and identify the correct metrics to use in your questions. Let’s say you are conducting a survey about children’s studying habits. You think children study outside of the classroom between two and five hours per day, six days a week. In your qualitative research you find the norm is actually 30 minutes to two-and-a-half hours, five days a week. If you had based your question on your assumption, you might have used the wrong scale in your quantitative research, leading respondents to overstate their studying habits and for bad decisions to be made based on this information.

Hopefully, it goes without saying you must do the qualitative research with the same pool of respondents who will be completing the quantitative research. You can’t just ask your coworkers to help you out with this!

Pretest (and Revise!) the Questionnaire

Even if you conduct qualitative research before you plan your questionnaire, David recommends conducting qualitative research a second time, just before the quantitative data collection begins. The only way to truly test whether a question works is to have a real respondent try to answer it. David suggests a two part pretest – First, ask internal resources to review your questions, find problems, and make improvements. Second, pretest the questionnaire with real respondents, ensuring that you administer the questionnaire pretest to a sample of each segment of respondents. Bring these respondents – and again, real respondents – into a focus group facility and ask them to complete the survey using the phone, online, or whatever methodology you will use in the actual research.

After each respondent has completed the survey, go through it with them question by question. Did they have any uncertainty about what was being asked or how to answer? Was any wording vague or unfamiliar? When they were unsure about what was being asked, how did they decide upon an answer? For example, if your question asks about cars owned by the respondent, does that include trucks? Would “vehicles” be a better word choice? What if you lease your vehicle – does that count? Qualitative research can help you make sure the information you get from your questionnaire is the information you need to have.

As you consider implementing these suggestions into quantitative research project, you may encounter objections that it will take too long, cost too much, or that you already know about your customers. In spite of these objections, researchers must take responsibility for asking the best questions possible. Think of qualitative research as an insurance policy on your results; it may be very cost effective in the long run. After all how long will it take and how much will it cost to recover from a poor business decision?

Want more advice on writing better questionnaires? Check out David’s website – or watch one of his previous workshop videos on our webinars page.

L&E Webinar Recording | How to Write Better Screeners to Get the Right Respondents

Take the time and struggle out of writing screeners and start getting the right respondents for your qualitative research.

Screeners are ultimately short questionnaires. But unless they are written extremely well, the quality of respondents will suffer. On May 13, 2016, L&E hosted a webinar with David F. Harris, author of, The Complete Guide to Writing Questionnaires: How to Get Better Information for Better DecisionsDavid provided detailed examples of how to improve your screeners to get better respondents for your qualitative research.

Webinar Recording

Webinar Presentation

To download a PDF of David’s presentation from the webinar, click here.

About David F. Harris

David F. Harris conducts qualitative and quantitative research for companies in a variety of industries. As founder of Insight & Measurement, he also conducts training and consulting on questionnaire design and screener development. He is author of, The Complete Guide to Writing Questionnaires: How to Get Better Information for Better Decisions. He received his B.A. from Reed College, in Portland, Oregon, and his M.A. in Quantitative Psychology from the L. L. Thurstone Psychometric Laboratory at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Why Qualitative Research is Necessary to Add Meaning to Big Data | New eBook

“Businesses are drowning in data but starving for insights. Worse, they have no systematic way to consistently turn data into action.”

-“Digital Insights Are the New Currency Of Business”, Forrester Research, April 2015

“Big Data” is the term used to describe how advancing trends in technology will change the way information is delivered to businesses. A lot more data now exists. In fact, industry pundits note that 90% of the data that exists today was created in the last two years. And, with the sheer volume of social media and mobile data streaming in daily, businesses expect to use Big Data to aggregate all of this data, extract information from it, and identify value to clients and consumers.

The potential value for brands using these data assets is huge, but the opportunity of Big Data is also its challenge. We are drowning in data. And tweets, posts and video are not the structured data that fits well into relational databases for traditional querying. As a result, Big Data requires new ways of thinking about how to store and analyze information to extract insights, and turn those insights into actionable decisions.

The market research industry, especially qualitative research, has a key role to play in unlocking the value of Big Data, because when it comes to understanding consumers, market researchers are hard to beat. This is not about market researchers simply adding the ‘why’ to the ‘what’ of Big Data. There are much bigger roles for market researchers to play when it comes to Big Data.

Read more about the role market researches can play in in downloading our new eBook, Why Qual is Neccessary to Add Meaning to Big Data.

In Qualitative Research, Size Does Matter!

In qualitative research, variety is the spice of life. Moderators are particularly sensitive to the number of participants in their groups. Some firmly believe that twelve is the right number. Others are more comfortable with eight. The reasons for these preferences include:

  • CONTROLLING THE GROUP. Each moderator has their own style and way of handling group interaction. Every group has their chatterboxes, the shy ones, the negative ones, and the ones who try to take over the group for their own purposes. Each moderator knows best what works for them in maintaining a productive environment in the focus group room.
  • MINIMIZING “GROUP-SPEAK”. Focus groups are frequently criticized for the phenomenon known as group-speak. Basically, group-speak happens when there is a strong participant, and the other participants simply go along with what that person is saying, rather than expressing their own opinion. A good moderator overcomes group-speak by building rapport quickly, continually monitoring the room, expertly reading body language and encouraging dissident opinions. Another way to minimize group-speak is to reduce the number of participants. It’s easier to hide in a crowd!
  • HEARING ALL THE VOICES. Your moderator’s goal is to hear honest and frank opinions from every group member to strengthen the insights that result. The number of participants in the group is a key part of this equation for the moderator and – again! – every moderator knows what works best for them. Forcing a moderator to include more participants than they are comfortable with so you “get your money’s worth” is only going to result in less or poorer quality information.

Often, focus groups are not the only answer to a qualitative question, although they are very popular. You need to consider your research objectives, and at the heart of it, the type of discussion and behavior you want to understand. In qualitative research, there
are other alternatives to the traditional focus group that you should keep in mind:

  • IN-DEPTH INTERVIEWS (IDIs): In person one-on-one interviews conducted at a focus group facility give you the chance to focus on the individual, avoiding the distractions of the other focus group members. After all, if it is just the moderator and the respondent, there is nowhere to hide! In-depth interviews are excellent for very sensitive or personal topics, as well as topics that typically involve individual assessment and decision making. Additionally, in-depth interviews are often used in business-to-business research where respondents may not be easily scheduled into a group, or there may be concerns about speaking openly in front of their competitors.
  • DYADS AND TRIADS: Two or three people are recruited to participate in discussions at a focus group facility. Dyads and Triads are often used where the decision making process for a particular product or service is shared, such as in the case of spouses or parent-child decision making. Dyads and Triads avoid most of the weaknesses of focus groups while showcasing the interaction between the parties evaluating the topic or making the decision.
  • MINI-GROUPS: Typically defined as groups with four to six participants, minigroups fill the gap between triads and full focus groups. Mini-groups are often used when the qualified participant is very rare or unique, and recruiting costs become prohibitive. Additionally, participants in mini-groups may feel more secure about offering different or dissenting opinions because there are fewer participants.

Your focus group facility should have a variety of settings to accommodate groups of all sizes in comfort and in an environment that promotes vigorous and creative discussion. The key question in deciding what size group to use is, “What are you trying to learn?” Consider your research objectives, think about how your target audience behaves, and then listen to your moderator, who will have the experience and expertise to guide the research design to meet your project needs.

Asking Better Questions for Better Market Research

You know the expression “Garbage In, Garbage Out?” Well, that applies to marketing research as well. One of the key pieces in any research project is the questionnaire. Whether it is in the form of a survey, a moderator’s guide or a one-on-one interview, the questions you ask are a critical success factor for developing insights and delivering meaningful, actionable results. So, if you aren’t asking the right questions, you won’t be able to meet the research objectives effectively.

David F. Harris, author of the book The Complete Guide to Writing Questionnaires: How to get Better Information for Better Decisions, has led multiple workshops at L&E where he shared his concerns about questionnaire quality and offered tips to attendees to improve their research quality.

1. KEEP IT SHORT: Longer surveys lead to incompletes, higher incentives, and lower response rates. And yet, marketing researchers routinely design surveys that take 20, 30, or even 45 minutes to complete. Focus on what’s needed to make the decision and limit your questions to gathering only that information.

2. KEEP IT SIMPLE: Surveys that are too complex are almost as bad as surveys that are too long. Avoid questions that are too wordy, response lists with too many choices, and matrix questions with too many entries. All of these make the survey more difficult to complete, and result in questionable data.

3. ASK QUESTIONS THAT YOUR RESPONDENTS CAN ANSWER: It is critical that the questions asked are within the expertise of the respondent. For example, don’t try to ask someone why they bought a product if they were not the decision maker. Either adjust your questions to what the respondent knows or change your sampling.

4. DO QUALITATIVE RESEARCH TO HEAR THE VOC: Qualitative research is invaluable in determining the correct questions to ask of a population. Not only do you learn what language they are comfortable using, but you can explore what is important about a particular experience, as well the metrics that they use to evaluate the experience. Businesses often resist conducting qualitative to prepare for quantitative due to the added expense and time, but it is far better to invest in qualitative research than to conduct a quantitative project with bad results.

5. AVOID LEADING QUESTIONS: Several years ago, a Pew Research survey asked people whether they would: “favor or oppose taking military action in Iraq to end Saddam Hussein’s rule,” 68% were in favor and 25% were opposed to military action. However, when the question was asked “favor or oppose taking military action in Iraq to end Saddam Hussein’s rule even if it meant that U.S. forces might suffer thousands of casualties,” the results changed: only 43% said they favored military action while 48% said they opposed it. By adding the possibility of U.S. casualties, the authors influenced the outcome of the results.

6. AVOID DOUBLE NEGATIVES: You wouldn’t never do this, right? You would? You would what? See the problem? Double negatives are confusing. Just don’t do it!

7. OPEN OR CLOSED? IT DEPENDS: Closed questions (those where the scale is spelled out) are usually easier for respondents to answer, but if you don’t have the right response categories – and all of them – you might miss important data. Moreover, don’t make the mistake of assuming everyone will write in their responses in the “other” response – they just don’t. So, if you don’t know what they respondents might say, go with open-end questions.

8. SHOULD YOU FORCE A CHOICE? THE ROLE OF NO OPINION: Forcing a choice means just that – developing a question and response that forces the respondent to have an opinion. Here’s an example: Are you for or against gun control? Yes or No? Gun control is a very complex issue, and all respondents might not be prepared to answer yes or no. In some cases, it is better to include a “no opinion” or “don’t know” response because it allows for more accurate data.

9. NUMERIC ANSWERS – TO LIST OR NOT TO LIST: It is always easier for respondents to select an answer from a list, but you have to be sure you can develop a list with the correct responses in the correct base. If you are not sure, just collect the numeric data.

10. MAINTAIN LOGICAL ORDER: There are two issues addressed by maintaining logical question order. Again, it makes it easier for respondents to complete the survey. Second, it helps you collect more accurate data. If you want to ask about headaches in the last 30 days as well as the most recent headache experienced, ask all of your questions related to headaches in the past thirty days and then the questions about the most recent headache. Bouncing back and forth between the two time periods may confuse your respondents!

11. ASK ONE QUESTION AT A TIME: How would you answer this question:

 Is orange juice nutritious and delicious?  Yes or No

What do you answer if you think it is nutritious, but you don’t like the taste of orange juice? Ask the questions separately: Is orange juice nutritious? Is orange juice delicious?

12. USE FORMATTING TO IMPROVE READABILITY: Italicsbold, underlines – anything you can do to make the survey easier to understand will make it a better experience for respondents and help them give you more accurate responses.

13. WHEN ASKING BEHAVIOR FREQUENCY, SPELL IT OUT: How would you answer this question:

 How frequently do you shop for groceries: Very Frequently, Frequently, Infrequently, or Very Infrequently?

Betty goes grocery shopping once per week, and that seems to be less than her friends, so she responds “very infrequently.” Joe, on the other hand, also goes shopping once per week, but he lives alone and feels that he should be able to go less frequently, so he responds “very frequently”. Same frequency, different response. Be sure respondents are going to be able to respond with accurate metrics.

14. USE BALANCED SCALES: One of the most frequently used scales is “Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, Poor.” This scale might work very well in grading students, but it doesn’t work as well for marketing research because it is not balanced: there are three positive responses, one so-so response, and one negative response. This scale biases the responses to the positive. A better scale would be “Very Good, Good, Fair, Poor, Very Poor” which delivers balanced response options.

15. PRETEST THE QUESTIONNAIRE: Before you field the survey with the total sample, conduct a pretest with qualified respondents. Have them take the survey and then ask them how they answered, how they felt as they answered, and how they might improve the survey. Even if you are an expert on the topic, this is the only way to begin to make sure the questions work.

Developing strong questions is both an art and a science. There is a lot of academic research on question development that you can refer to, including Pew Research, the University of Chicago – National Opinion Research Center (NORC), the American Association of Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), and many others. In addition to becoming a student of questions yourself, following these suggestions will go a long way to improving your questions – and the resulting answers.

Want to learn more about how to ask better questions? Sign up for our upcoming webinar on May 13, 2016 with David Harris, How to Write Better Screeners to Get the Right Respondents

You can also view videos of David’s past workshops by visiting our webinars page of our website.

Start with the End in Mind: Make Sure your Research Leads to the Right Decisions

“There is nothing like looking if you want to find something. You certainly usually find something, if you look, but it is not always quite the something you were after.” – J.R.R. Tolkien

All marketers struggle with scarce resources to address business challenges. Perhaps in no other marketing area are resources quite so limited as in market research. Management does not want to invest in high-quality research. Respondents don’t want to participate, and if they do participate, it is challenging to get them to give valuable information. Sometimes it seems as if insight is as rare as hen’s teeth.

Therefore, it is critical that market research be planned specifically to lead to decision-making. Recently, L&E Research hosted a workshop in our Raleigh facility led by David Harris, author of The Complete Guide to Writing Questionnaires: How to Get Better Information for Better Decisions. (Click here to view the video of David’s talk.)

According to David, research is rarely organized to support decisions, and he wrote his book to propose a solution. His market research framework lays out a process for making the most of the scarce resources available to market researchers. Without cutting corners, David’s framework helps marketers focus their thinking to generate research projects that successfully lead to decisions and actions based on those decisions.

David’s Framework starts with three steps:

  • Plan research to support decision making
  • Conduct qualitative research
  • Plan the questionnaire

Note that the third step is to plan the questionnaire, not write it!

Planning for decision making before you even start to write the questionnaire is challenging, because marketers are born question-writers. However, it ensures that the research that you end up doing is specifically designed to support the decisions that need to be made.

Most decisions are made with a limited set of information, often as few as three to seven facts. And yet, research typically goes far beyond the information needed for the decision. In order to focus research for decision making, David recommends you write a research plan that identifies three things:

  • The decisions the research will support
  • The information needed to make those decisions
  • The design of the study that will collect that information

Answering these questions ensures that you use the best methodology (i.e., the most cost effective methodology that still delivers the information needed) to get the right and most accurate data. A bonus of this kind of research planning is that the questionnaires are shorter, enhancing participation rates among respondents.

Once you have focused on the information to seek, qualitative research can help you know what questions to ask, how to ask them, and who to ask. David advises, “In order to understand a topic, you need the insights that only qualitative research can provide.” Qualitative research allows you to hear the words and phrases respondents use when they speak about the topic, how they understand the metrics you need to collect, as well as what criteria they use in evaluating the topic.

Finally, you are ready to write the questionnaire plan. David recommends a matrix that identifies, for each decision:

  • What information is needed
  • How to ask the question
  • How the data will be analyzed

All of these factors, of course, influence the specific questions to be included in the research instrument, but note that you are still distinguishing between the information you need for the decision and the questions themselves. Maintain the discipline not to write any questions until the questionnaire plan is complete.

Without this considerate and thoughtful approach, you run the risk of completing research that goes astray, and is less than optimal in addressing the business challenge. Using David’s framework, you will find not only “something, if you look” (per Tolkien) but certainly the “something you were after.” Moreover, that “something”, will enable you to make successful decisions for your business.

Want to learn more about David’s market research framework? We’ve created a handy infographic that summarizes the first series of steps in planning your research and your questionnaire.

GRIT Commentary: Killing the Error of Omission

We are wrong and we know it.  Marketing research has always been plagued by error and assumptions; random sampling almost never is, all kinds of bias – observer, response, fatigue, scale.  The list of issues goes on and on.  Just as importantly, marketing research has been wrong by omission; that is to say that we could only ask questions – and evaluate the answers. At the end of the day, it is a calculated and reasonable “wrong”.

But we are getting better… and that shows no sign of slowing.  Some of the improvements over the past several years are about the process (better sampling, improved questions); many others are about killing the error of omission – and to L&E, this is the exciting part.

New sources of data about consumers allow for vectors of knowledge that did not exist even 3 or 4 years ago.  Behaviors can be established from any number of sources: mobile tracking, receipt scanning, in-store video – the list goes on and on.  Social Media allows a sneak peek into peoples’ lives that lets us see how they wish to be perceived – and not just through their words, but also the images they associate with their life.  Emotions and the emotional triggers can be identified through non-conscious methods from facial coding, to neuro methods and wearables.

As costs continue to fall from competitive pressure and technological advances (I just saw a Virtual Reality viewer for $20), it will be easier to put more of these pieces together to get a clearer picture of the “whole truth” – which has long been the goal in our industry.  Let’s take a look at two examples.

Eye tracking technology lets us identify the area of a document or image that is getting attention.  Facial coding technology allows us to understand the emotion a person is feeling at a particular point in time.  Independently, each of those technologies answers an important question.  Together they answer the question of the specific driver of that emotion.  One particular client takes it a step further and integrates in-depth interviews based on laddering to understand the “why” of the emotional triggers.  In this example, there is little error of omission, as multiple approaches within a single respondent engagement have answered the what, the how, and the why.

Behavioral research has generally been based on observation (expensive) or diaries (questionable).  The mobile phone and, in particular, mobile panels change all this.  Now, behavioral research can be conducted in connection with shopper journey, use tests, day in the life, etc., with reasonable completeness and accuracy.  Scanner technology (the same kind used in Expensify) allows people to scan their store receipts instead of using a diary for their purchases.  Each of these methods provides valuable information about a person’s life.  The combination of these two methods provides a more holistic perspective of a person’s consumption life – as it lays out multiple places, multiple experiences, and multiple purchases – in the context of all their purchases (not just a category).  The error of omission is still there, but smaller and easier to forgive.

Understanding everything that motivates a person is hard.  Psychologists can spend years trying to understand someone and still not be comfortable that they have it right.  But we can get better at understanding – as we should – for our businesses, for our clients, and for consumers.

Market research is now particularly well positioned to do this using a holistic approach that combines qualitative, quantitative, behavioral, non-conscious and observational data; shifting the conversation from “we could be wrong for all of these reasons” to “we think we’re right for all of the data points we have to use”. That’s a big (and exciting) difference – and the GRIT data tells us it’s now a reality.

L&E Workshop Video | Serve Your Customers Better with User Experience Research

With the explosion of user experience (or UX) in the business world, more companies are trying to incorporate UX research methods to better serve their customers. However, one test size does not fit all. Without employing the right series of research methods, companies can end up with an incomplete or misleading picture of their users. On October 23, 2015, L&E hosted a workshop with Amanda Stockwell, VP of User Experience for 352 inc. at our Columbus (Ohio) facility. Amanda discussed how to ensure your team is asking the right questions to better understand your users and their needs and to uncover white space opportunities.


This session covered:

  • How UX work differs from traditional marketing research
  • An overview of the types of user experience research
  • What types of questions can be answered with different research methods
  • The best time to employ different types of research

About Amanda Stockwell

Amanda is the Vice President of User Experience at 352 inc., a full-service user experience, design, development, and marketing agency. At 352, she leads a team that provides user research, usability testing, and UX strategy services to clients in a variety of verticals. Amanda’s expertise and knowledge of in-person and remote research techniques has helped companies new to user experience assimilate user-centered design into their existing processes. She has a human factors background and an engineering degree from Tufts University.

Workshop Video | Writing Shorter Questionnaires: Save Money AND Get Better Data

Everyone knows how important it is to keep questionnaires short, especially with so many respondents now taking surveys on mobile devices. If the questionnaire is too long, respondents drop out or start making up answers to get to the end. Well-written, shorter questionnaires mean better data at a lesser cost.

On August 21, 2015, L&E hosted a workshop at our Raleigh office with guest speaker, David Harris, author of, The Complete Guide to Writing Questionnaires: How to Get Better Information for Better Decisions. David provided a framework for writing shorter questionnaires that are easier for respondents, yet still get the information needed for decision-making. Using this framework, David has consistently reduced the cost of his clients’ surveys by an average of 20 percent.

Watch the workshop video today to learn how you can put his framework into practice to start writing shorter questionnaires that save money AND get better data!

About David F. Harris

David F. Harris conducts training and consulting on questionnaire design and research planning. With over 20 years of experience, he has learned how to get better information for decision-making while saving money at the same time. He is author of, The Complete Guide to Writing Questionnaires: How to Get Better Information for Better Decisions. He received his B.A. from Reed College, in Portland, Oregon, and his M.A. in Quantitative Psychology from the L. L. Thurstone Psychometric Laboratory at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Play with All of Research’s New Toys, But Don’t Dismiss Qualitative Research

“If you could do only one type of research, would it be qualitative or quantitative?”

I was once asked this question in an interview for a corporate job. I paused at this question for two reasons. First, because it was a bit ludicrous.  Second, it made me think about the role of each of these and how they’re applied.

Human interaction counts

Every few years we hear predictions that hard data (quantitative) is going to replace qualitative. In fact, we’ve heard those predictions for many, many years now. The 2014 ESOMAR Global Market Research Industry report, and prior waves of the GRIT report suggest that these predictions are a bit exaggerated. Focus groups, in-depth interviews, and online qualitative are all either flat or growing slightly, depending on which numbers you choose. It’s easy to understand why these predictions are made, but it’s more than a bit short-sighted because human interaction counts for more than it’s often credited for.

Digging into the “why” of behavior

Qualitative research provides the nuance to the “how” of consumer behaviors, and much more importantly, the power to the “why.” While things like Big Data, passive measurement, geo-location, and data synthesis are grabbing many of the headlines in our industry, qualitative research goes on doing what it has always done: getting to the deeper understanding of the consumer.

Connects with people

The interactive conversation about the “why” of behavior is the essential benefit of qualitative and has yet to be surpassed for its depth, sensitivity, and flexibility. Topics that are difficult to cover otherwise, such as finances, health, relationships, sex, etc., can all be handled with a certain connection that is made between people instead of a survey.

And these qualities of qualitative research go a long way to meet the basic needs of a business’s deep understanding of consumers. As one respondent in this publication of the GRIT report said, the biggest challenge of marketing research is to “understand and deepen knowledge of consumer behavior. The consumer [should be] viewed in all mindsets, perspectives and through his or her side.”  And much of this is the purview of qualitative research.

The effect of mobile technology

Today, one area of qualitative is growing substantially. This is the area facilitated by mobile technology. Currently, about 20-25% of corporate researchers and about 50% of research suppliers are using mobile for at least some of their qualitative/ethnography research. And another 35% of corporate researchers say it’s under consideration.

Mobile qualitative has several unique benefits. First, it is real-time “in the moment” and consequentially allows an even deeper understanding of consumers because of the timing of an event and the understanding. Second, it can be non-intrusive as the tool is both available and comfortable for consumers. Lastly, it can be pretty fast, which is always good.  In many cases, the mobile component of qualitative is simply that: one component. The mobile tool is often integrated with more traditional tools, such as in-depth interviews, for an even more substantive outcome.

There’s a human gap in big data

No commentary on research would be complete without at least mentioning Big Data. We all have our favorite statistics about the proliferation of information. “It doubles every two years” is mine. However, there is long distance between the implication of data and the human understanding that brings that data to a level where most of us can understand, empathize, and act.

Respondents to the current GRIT report talk about this as well. One respondent noted, “Market Research needs to remain relevant by providing consultative resources and also helping to answer ‘why’ when big data seems to be revealing hard to understand insights.” You simply can’t (and shouldn’t) get away from the importance of “why.”

Brett Watkins
L&E Research

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