L&E Blog Series: Working in a Virtual Environment – Stress Relief

We are in week #3 of our blog series, hopefully you are settling into some sort of routine to help you make your work day a little bit more manageable. Our focus this week is stress relief because let’s be honest, the amount of stress and anxiety in our lives is quite high right now. We know you aren’t going to meditate on top of a mountain (unless you live in the mountains!) like the stock photo we used for this blog post, but this is a fantastic visualization tool and/or image to look at daily. Some of us have probably never dealt with this kind of uncertainty so we wanted to share a couple “de-stresser” tips from our employees.

Take a few deep breaths and read below to learn what helps L&E employees relieve stress:

  • Watch a funny or inspiring clip from a favorite TV show, a good laugh always helps us de-stress. A favorite of ours is from the wonderful John Krasinski : SGN Watch this week’s clip – Scott Johnson, St. Louis Client Services Manager
  • And who doesn’t need more than one clip to brighten their day, here is another favorite from our team. This clip was sent over from Tyler Johnson, Client Relationship Manager
  • Connect with your teammates regularly, it always helps talking it out. Specifically during these times, utilize video technology to stay in touch! – April Leonard, Medical Project Director
  • Make your space extra comfortable – buy a plant so you have some greenery on your desk and turn on an essential oil diffuser (lavender works as a natural anxiety reliever). You can control the atmosphere so try to make it as stress free as possible! – Kaitlin Plave, Account Manager
  • Take a lunch break:  One of my favorite WFH benefits is the freedom to prepare lunch at lunchtime (as opposed to packing a lunch before going to the office), or simply heat up some leftovers.  I also try to walk my dogs during this break time – a midday “fresh air” break is very relaxing and gets me on track to finish the day.  The important part is to simply get up and take a break! – Kelli Hammock, Senior Client Solutions Manager
  • In addition to taking some time daily to laugh (or cry), exercise is always a great stress reducer to help balance body and mind. – Brett Watkins, CEO

Be on the lookout for our next blog post in this series coming next week!
