Everyone knows how important it is to keep questionnaires short, especially with so many respondents now taking surveys on mobile devices. If the questionnaire is too long, respondents drop out or start making up answers to get to the end. Well-written, shorter questionnaires mean better data at a lesser cost.
On August 21, 2015, L&E hosted a workshop at our Raleigh office with guest speaker, David Harris, author of, The Complete Guide to Writing Questionnaires: How to Get Better Information for Better Decisions. David provided a framework for writing shorter questionnaires that are easier for respondents, yet still get the information needed for decision-making. Using this framework, David has consistently reduced the cost of his clients’ surveys by an average of 20 percent.
Watch the workshop video today to learn how you can put his framework into practice to start writing shorter questionnaires that save money AND get better data!
About David F. Harris
David F. Harris conducts training and consulting on questionnaire design and research planning. With over 20 years of experience, he has learned how to get better information for decision-making while saving money at the same time. He is author of, The Complete Guide to Writing Questionnaires: How to Get Better Information for Better Decisions. He received his B.A. from Reed College, in Portland, Oregon, and his M.A. in Quantitative Psychology from the L. L. Thurstone Psychometric Laboratory at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.