Webinar | L&E Webinar Series: Emerging Methods in Qualitative Research Technology

Free on-demand L&E Webinar

On September 18, 2018, L&E hosted our fourth webinar in our webinar series for 2018 with Charlie Rader and Lenny Murphy as our panelists. The topic of this webinar was on the latest technologies in qualitative research.

Guest Speakers: 

  • Charlie Rader, Digital Insights Designer at Procter & Gamble
  • Lenny Murphy, Executive Editor & Producer at GreenBook

Technology is bringing researchers, stakeholders and brands closer than ever to their consumers. 

Small consultative researchers and corporate researchers alike need to provide the same impact from their research. Now, no matter the magnitude of your project or depth of your team, you can provide the same actionable insight with support from new qualitative research technology.

This webinar will:

Guide you through key areas that are becoming increasingly powerful in accessing high quality insight such as:

  • Neuromarketing
  • Virtual reality
  • 360° streaming
  • Video analytics
  • In-the-moment online tools

Learn about some of the top companies taking advantage of key technology in qualitative research
