L&E Research Technology Solutions Presenting AYTM & Qualsights

Join us for our first webinar of 2020 at your own convenience (via on-demand) and learn about the newest technology companies that L&E has partnered with to make your research process not just easier, but seamless from start to finish. Our Research Design Engineer, Renee Wyckoff, hosted this panel discussion and in this webinar you will get a brief overview of the functionality of each tech tool:

  • Quantitative market research survey platform from tech partner, AYTM (Ask Your Target Market)
  • Qualitative insights platform from tech partner, QualSights
  • Hear about real use case scenarios from each tech partner and how it can apply to your projects – including how COVID-19 has effected the research industry and what you can do to keep your projects moving along!

Updates in Qualitative Research Technology

We are bringing back our most popular webinar from 2018 and the topic of technology in qualitative research! Last year we discussed how technology is bringing researchers, stakeholders and brands closer than ever to their consumers. In this webinar we will circle back with Charlie and Lenny and learn what’s on the horizon in the industry with key technology. This webinar is sure to be fun with this duo!

Who Cares about Data Quality?

Want to learn what the leaders in our industry are doing to get better data, and therefore, getting better insights? Do you want them to explain how they improved their data as a result of actual research they performed to understand consumer behavior and study flaws to deliver better research outcomes? 

We will welcome a group scientist from Procter and Gamble, an author and noted expert on creating better quantitative research through better survey instruments, and our own Research Design Engineer as our guest speakers in this discussion.

In this webinar you will learn about:
  • Practical tips you can utilize to improve both your qualitative & quantitative research. Our experts will give you “lessons learned” and fresh data from recent studies they’ve performed that will immediately improve your research.
  • The emotional drivers behind why consumers engage in research (hint, its more than just the money or survey points!) Our speakers will share how researchers can tap into that “something more” so they get better research (and…lower costs!).
  • The differences in data participants (panels) and why the right source of participants makes all the difference in your research outcomes.
  • Online data quality and how to identify good responses (vs. the host of bad actors that can negatively skew your results). What is going on with your survey that is impacting survey quality, and how can you stop it?

L&E Technology Partners – A Deeper Look at Qual Research Technology Research Design

Feeling like you’re behind the curve on the latest technologies used in qualitative research? Thinking about integrating the latest and greatest tech into your next project, but unsure of who to turn to?

Join us for our first webinar of 2019 and learn more about the technology companies that L&E has partnered with to make your research process not just easier, but seamless from start to finish. Our Research Design Engineer, Renee Wyckoff will be hosting this panel discussion and in this webinar you learn more about:

  • Cloud-based collaboration platform from tech partner, Batterii
  • Online Transcription Portal and Keyword Search from tech partner, Focus Forward
  • The Virtual Aisle from tech partner, Informed Decisions Group (IDG)
  • Video Analytics from tech partner, LivingLens
  • Online insights communities/online research platform from tech partner, Recollective