7th Annual Future Trends of Market Research and Technology
Join us for our 7th annual Future Trends of Market Research and Technology roundtable discussion with industry experts from L&E Research, P&G, Microsoft, and GreenBook. This conversation will delve into the future of qualitative and quantitative research.
Always our most popular webinar of the year, we will consider the evolving market research industry, what changes are on the horizon, potential challenges, and technology solutions.
So, what can we expect, and where do we go from here? Join us for this exciting webinar to find out! During this webinar, we will discuss:
Navigating the Future of Market Research: Explore the key innovations and shifts driving the evolution of market research and what companies must do to stay ahead, including embracing AI, advanced analytics, and ethical data practices.
Building a Sustainable Research Ecosystem: Discover how brands and suppliers can collaborate more effectively to enhance recruitment strategies and ensure long-term sustainability, focusing on diversity, inclusion, and participant engagement.
Empowering Tomorrow’s Insights Leaders: Learn what new competencies and mindsets will be essential for insights professionals to thrive—ranging from mastering emerging technologies to developing strategic, data-driven decision-making skills.