Jessica Caldwell

Health Operations Director

Logical & Efficient

Jessica’s passion for market research began back in 2015 when she was recruited for a study here at L&E Research. She loved the experience so much that she knew she wanted to serve a larger role with the company. It wasn’t long before she began working her way to becoming a full-time leader on our Medical Operations Management Team. Jessica enjoys the constant change in projects and people as well as bringing our clients exactly what they need to execute a successful project!

Outside of work, Jessica enjoys spending time with her husband and two kids. She has boundless creativity and a passion for DIY projects. If she has a weekend free from kid’s sporting events, you can probably find her at a professional one. Hockey, football, and baseball – she is a true Tampa sports fan; born and raised there!

Insights About Me

What do you like best about what you do?

Working in a constant change of pace and variety of projects.

What is your favorite L&E core value?

Be passionate about delivering excellence.

What are you passionate about?

Making memories and being present with my family.

What is your guilty pleasure?

Mexican food

What book or movie title would best represent the story of your life?

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

If you had a superpower, what would it be?

Invisibility or teleportation. I can’t decide!

What is the one thing most people don’t know about you?

I was a florist for five years before starting in market research.