L&E Blog Series: Working in a Virtual Environment – Your Workspace

In this blog post series, we hope to help you if you are new to the virtual workforce and provide some tips that will help you adjust to remote working. Thanks to our proprietary cloud-based technology that is unique to L&E (it operates our entire business) the vast majority of our recruiting, project management and management team are virtually based and have been for well over a decade now. Each week we will share advice from our own employees in what helps them work remotely.

First things first, space matters! If you are new to having a home office, here are some tips in getting yourself set up for success from the beginning:

  • It’s important to create a space that can be entered in the morning and left at the end of the day, it helps maintain boundaries and work/life balance. The space in terms of your view or landscape is just as important! Natural light, a view outside, things on your desk or walls that motivate and inspire you truly help to keep the walls and solidarity of working from home from closing in! – Sara McEntyre, Director of Project Management

  • For me, setting up a separate space in the home has helped me to stay focused, in the zone, and less distracted. – Charlene Randall, Vice President, Strategic Accounts 

  • Location of where you work is key.  I set up my desk so I am looking out of windows and at other things that make me, a giant nerd, happy. – Heidi Garinger, Director of Client Services

    • Having a dedicated office space is key for me. It really gives me that feeling of going into the office. It also helps minimize distractions. My spouse and I both work from home and we each have our own office so we can really focus on the tasks for the day. – Linda Judd, Account Manager
    • Standing instead of sitting and set an end of day time and stick with it if you can. – Lisa McGary, Director of Client Solutions 
    • Have a designated place to work. I have found that if I try to work from the same place that I watch TV or sleep, my work doesn’t get the same focus as when I work from my in-home office. – Sheila Danhoff, Project Manager

  • Pro tip from most of our employees – get yourself a monitor to connect to your laptop! 

Be on the lookout for our next blog post in this series coming next week!
