Tiffany Gartin

Project Manager

Loving & Eager

Tiffany started out her career in the business development Industry. She also owned and operated a daycare/after-school care business for more than 10 years. Tiffany has been working in the market research industry since 2018. She has held several positions at L&E Research and is currently a Project Manager. Tiffany gets profound joy and fulfillment when she can help others to implement the vision and plan that they have for their project. Tiffany has a passion for hosting and planning parties! She also loves cooking, baking and decorating cakes! She and her family enjoy NCSU Wolfpack Football, Fishing and Boating in their free time. Tiffany and her husband are empty nesters and have fun traveling and going on Harley Rides!

Insights About Me

What do you like best about what you do?

I like that every project we receive is different and I learn something new with each one.

What is your favorite L&E core value?

Embrace and inspire happiness

What are you passionate about?

The Legacy that I leave My Family

What is your guilty pleasure?

Chocolate Covered Strawberries and Venti Quad Espresso w/Pumpkin Cream Cold Foam

What book or movie title would best represent the story of your life?

The Incredibles

If you had a superpower, what would it be?

The power to change anything!

What is the one thing most people don’t know about you?

I love to sing!