Gabrielle Marcum

Project Manager

Large-hearted & Enthusiastic

Gabrielle graduated from the University of Cincinnati in Spring of 2022. She has been with L&E Research since August 2022. She is very passionate about building strong relationships with those she works with and going above and beyond to provide the best outcomes on her projects. She has always loved problem-solving and her attention to detail is extremely helpful in the world of market research. She thoroughly enjoys the variety of topics she gets to encounter while working with L&E! Gabrielle has a deep love for animals and was lucky enough to adopt her two cats, Juice and Pretzel, and her dog Charley Chip. She has always enjoyed being outside, whether she is hiking, running, biking, or just taking a walk. Gabrielle loves watching new TV shows and movies, although she still always likes a good book every once in a while.

Insights About Me

What do you like best about what you do?

I love how much variety I get to encounter at L&E Research – it keeps me on my toes!

What is your favorite L&E core value?

Build positive relationships.

What are you passionate about?

Helping others and growing as an individual along the way

What is your guilty pleasure?

Drinking Diet Coke/Coke Zero and watching relationship TV shows!

What book or movie title would best represent the story of your life?

Dr. Dolittle! Because I have a deep love for animals and often try to talk with them!

If you had a superpower, what would it be?

Flying! No more Ubers, planes, or long car rides for me!

What is the one thing most people don’t know about you?

I am extremely afraid of bugs touching me (I will not leave a room if it is blocking me).